August 2018 Chairman’s Notes
“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” Abraham Lincoln
I know that it still seems a long time away, but I the November Election is right around the corner. I am asking everyone to mark your calendars now and set some time aside to volunteer on Election Day. We understand that everyone has a busy schedule, but please consider volunteering at least some of your time.You can speak to either me or Tony DeTora about volunteering options. We must be active and help our candidates win in November. We need at least 180 volunteers to cover inside and outside the polls in November. A signup sheet will go around at this meeting for the November election.
We are still need volunteers for about half of the districts. This is an important role and a vital part of the Election Day process. If anyone has interest, please contact me. We still need Magisterial Chairs in the following districts: Rock Hill, Hartwood, Garrisonville and Griffis-Widewater.
I hope that everyone has been able to check out the website. If not, please do! The website address is the same:
We had a very successful booth at the Fredericksburg Fair. I want to give a huge thanks to everyone who volunteered. Our booth was well represented. All the campaigns pitched in, as did members of the SCRC and elected officials. Thanks again for your time and commitment to promoting the Republican cause! A special thanks to John Humphrey for organizing and taking the lead for the booth!
If you want to attend the meeting, but have a conflict, you can send some to vote for you. The Proxy Form is attached to this email. The CRITERIA for a proxy is that the person voting for you must be: (1) a non-member of the SCRC; (2) a Stafford registered voter; and (3) must have your signed Proxy Form with them. A copy of the Proxy Form is sufficient. It does not need to be an original.
Big thanks to Everett Lovell who have signed up to bring the treats for the August meeting! So, please come and join us on August 13, 2018 starting at 7:00 PM to socialize with fellow and potential committee members. The gavel will drop at 7:30 PM.
Yours in Liberty, yours in Freedom,
Adela C. Bertoldi