“Little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is evil. Our great hope lies in developing what is good.”–Sir Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States of America
We will hold our October meeting electronically over zoom next Monday, March 8, 2021. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. The Official Call is below with login and call-in details.
Annual dues of $40 are due on March 3, 2021. According to our Bylaws, Members whose dues have not been paid may not vote in SCRC business meetings. Voting rights are restored upon receipt of payment. I now have an unusual request – if you will not be at our March business meeting, please wait until March 9th to pay your dues. This will help ensure a quorum at our meeting so we can take care of important business. Dues can be paid on the website: https://staffordgop.com/member-resources/ or by sending a check to our P.O. Box 2461, Stafford, VA 22555 or by arranging to drop it off with an SCRC officer.
Speaking of quorum, I am proposing an amendment to the SCRC bylaws to correct the quorum problem I just mentioned. The link will bring you to the text of the amendment with a brief explanation. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact me so we can discuss.
By now you have probably heard of the official retirements of Delegate Mark Cole and Supervisor Gary Snellings. Their tireless work on behalf of their constituents is an extraordinary legacy. These patriots will be truly missed by the people of Stafford.
Thank you, Gary!
Thank you, Mark!
Stafford will have partisan elections in November for the following :
2nd Delegate District
28th Delegate District
88th Delegate District
Aquia Supervisor
Falmouth Supervisor
Garrisonville Supervisor
Hartwood Supervisor
Nominations will be made by primary (with the exception of the 88th Delegate District). Important information will be posted on the SCRC website about these contests. If anyone has questions not answered on the website, please contact me directly.
We are planning two major fundraising events in 2021 – a golf tournament and a Lincoln-Reagan dinner. We are looking for volunteers to help plan and run these events.
We are also planning better outreach to people in Stafford. As Republicans, we have a lot to offer to communities throughout our county. We just haven’t done a good enough job reaching out to them where they are, sharing our beliefs and why they’re important, and listening to what they care about and how we can work together to achieve our common goals. We need volunteers to help us with this.
That Calvin Coolidge quote is not one of his most famous ones, but I think it shines a clear light on America today. Americans from all sides are focused on what’s evil and who’s to blame. I understand – there is a lot of blame to go around, and a lot of things that can only be explained through evil.
But we stand for something more. We stand for liberty and prosperity. We stand for peace through strength. We stand for supplying for human needs through the free market. We stand for inclusion for all who assume their responsibilities as citizens. We stand for belief in God as the foundation for the the moral fiber of America.
Together we stand up for truth and justice and hope and strength and freedom!
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
Monday, March 8, 2021 – 7:00 PM
I, Tony DeTora, Chairman of the Stafford County Republican Committee (the “SCRC”), do hereby call for a meeting of the SCRC to take place at the aforementioned time and location, or other such location that be designated if necessary, for the purpose of conducting the business set forth below, and any other such business as may come before the SCRC.
- Call to Order and Opening of Meeting
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Reading of the Republican Creed
- Acknowledgment of Visitors
- Remarks from Elected Officials
- Remarks from Candidates
- Appointment of a Proxy Committee
- Proxies and Roll Call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Chairman Report
- First Vice Chairman Report
- Treasurer Report
- Secretary Report
- Old Business
- Nominations for open positions
- 1st District Dues
- New Business
- Bylaws Amendment
- Lincoln-Reagan Dinner
- Announcements
- Election of new committee members/restoration of voting rights
- Adjournment
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86019128305?pwd=K1c3ekh4R3pBQlN5ZE54aXNxSHZyQT09
Meeting ID: 860 1912 8305
Passcode: 938366
Or dial in: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)