August 2021 Chairman’s Message & Upcoming Events
“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, but your government only when it deserves it.” – Mark Twain, American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher, and lecturer
The events of the last week on the other side of the world really hit this message home. Elections have consequences. The federal government is not America. The President may be our chief executive, but isn’t our moral leader. The same goes for Virginia’s Governor.
America has had our vision, our ideals, printed and steering us from the start. We have often failed to live up to that promise, but our journey has been one of moving toward those ideals rather than away from them. We teach each generation this vision and each one has worked to bring us closer. We have setbacks, but we always rise stronger again when we can elect those who believe in that vision.
As I write this, 10,000 Americans are trapped in a hostile land with no clear means of escape or rescue. President Biden interrupted his Camp David time to announce to the world that, while the buck stops with him, he takes no responsibility. The White House refuses to commit to helping any of those Americans reach safety, to say nothing of the tens of thousands of Afghans who worked with us, and their families. I support my country wholeheartedly, and I pray for everyone involved.
But I am also fighting to win the next election. Elections matter at every level. They matter at the federal level. They matter at the state level, and they matter at the local level where we live most of our lives every day. We have one of the best slates of candidates I have ever seen, from the statewides, to the House of Delegates, the county Board of Supervisors, and the School Board. These people are patriots, and they will make us proud every day as they serve in these roles. As long as we can get them over the finish line.
Reminders – events this week:
This Thursday, August 19, the Glenn Youngkin campaign is hosting a volunteer training/meet and greet at the Fredericksburg HQ – 311 Central Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22401. Refreshments at 6pm and training afterwards. This will be a great opportunity to meet other volunteers and learn the ins and outs of the campaign software. The training will be critical to joining super Saturdays moving forward. You can RSVP by emailing
Super Saturday this Saturday, August 21 at 9am. Meet at Senator Richard Stuart’s office – 150 Riverside Parkway, Suite 107, Fredericksburg, VA 22406. We will knock doors in Stafford until about 1pm, and then all the volunteers will be given an opportunity to get pictures with Tara Durant and Glenn Youngkin at Tara Durant’s Red, White, and Blue BBQ.
Tara Durant’s Red, White, and Blue BBQ – this Saturday, August 21 from 2-5pm. Please RSVP due to expected attendance. Anyone can RSVP here –
Prosecco on the Patio with Gina Ciarcia – this Sunday, August 22 from 2-4pm. Reserve your ticket here:
What’s Next:
Voting begins on September 17 and lasts through November 2. The things we do in the next month lay the groundwork for getting all of our voters to the polls. The work that we have put in so far will pay dividends, and we will retain control of our local boards. We will take back the House of Delegates. And we will elect our Republican nominees as the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General. That is a day I will be proud to support the government of Virginia once again.
In liberty,
Tony DeTora