October 2022 Chairman’s Notes
3 Weeks to Win with Yesli Vega!!!!
“The Democrat Party that I joined—the party of JFK and MLK, Big Tent inclusivity, and fought for free speech, civil liberties — that Party no longer exists. It is now under the complete control of a warmongering, elitist cabal. That is why I left, and why I ask you to join me.” – Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard
We have three weeks left. Vote! Get your friends and family to the polls – either early voting at the Government Center, or on Election Day at your their precinct. Stafford is the key to the new 7tth District – and you are the key to winning Stafford. Whoever works hardest will win Stafford. And we’ve seen the Democrats campaigning all over the county – at early voting, at festivals and fairs, and everywhere else they can be. We’ve been all those places as well, and we’re ahead, but we can’t let up now. We need to fight hard for the next three weeks!!
Election Volunteers
Seeking Poll Greeters, Poll Watchers, and Poll Workers for Election Day. If you want to volunteer to work on Election Integrity inside, please get in touch with John Roy, our Director of Election Integrity at johnaroyjr@gmail.com. If you want to volunteer to work on greeting voters outside, please get in touch with Charles Sterne, our 1st Vice Chairman, at charles@sterneconsulting.com to sign up for times, or for more information.
Funds Needed
As always, you can find out more about events and updates at out website https://staffordgop.com
In Freedom,
Tony DeTora