New Chairman Contact Information:
Tony DeTora
(703) 203-8597 (this is my cell. Please feel free to text).
Operation Chaos – We have received some questions regarding “Project Chaos” in which some Republicans are considering voting in the Democratic Presidential Primary on Tuesday, March 3. Please do not participate.
Obviously, it is your right to cast your vote how you see fit. But remember – a vote is a demonstration of support, even if cast in opposition to an opponent. If you feel that one Democratic candidate is such a threat to our republic that you cast a vote on Tuesday, you are risking your membership in the Republican Party for the next five years.
The RPV plan, Article 1, Section A(4) states that for a person “to be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party… [they] shall not have participated in Virginia in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party with in the last five years.”
If anyone has further questions about this, or wishes to complain about this, please let me know.
Committee Reconstitution
On March 9, we will reconstitute our Committee, electing a new Executive Board, and electing new membership.
- Electing Membership for existing committee members: Yes, you have to complete a new Membership Form. The form for 2020-2021 is available on our website . Please complete the form and bring it to the meeting, or you can complete it online and pay at the same time. If you do bring the form, please also bring your $40 dues payment with you.
- Electing New Members: If you were not previously a member of the SCRC, then we invite you to complete the Membership Form. If you have previously completed this step, have already been vetted, and have paid the $40 dues fee, then you will be voted in as member at the end of the SCRC meeting.
- Committee Elections: The positions of First Vice Chairman, Treasurer, and Magisterial District Chairman are all elected by the membership. All positions are a 2 year term. These positions must be held by current SCRC members. If you are interested in seeking any of these positions, you will be given an opportunity during the meeting to nominate yourself. If you are interested in one of these roles, I would strongly suggest that you speak with me prior to nominations, but it is not required. You may also nominate someone else, so long as you have their permission to do so and they are willing serve in that position. The following is a brief description of each position:
- First Vice Chairman: The primary responsibility of the First Vice Chairman is Election Day operations. This includes: (1) obtaining, managing and training volunteers; (2) working with campaigns; (3) working with magisterial chairs; and (4) obtaining, maintaining and accounting for election material and equipment. You will need to be able to work all day on election days during your 2 year term.
- Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the accounts of the SCRC. This includes: (1) deposits of funds from memberships and other sources; (2) paying bills; and (3) filing required statements with the State Board of Elections.
- Secretary: The primary responsibility of the Secretary is to maintain a current membership list and to take minutes at the monthly meetings. If you are not using a computer to take minutes at the meeting, then an additional responsibility will be transcribe minutes as well.
- Magisterial District Chairs: There are 7 Magisterial Districts in Stafford County. The Magisterial Chairs primary responsibilities include: (1) Obtaining and managing volunteers; (2) working with the First Vice Chairman to coordinate election day activities; (3) opening and closing the precincts at the locations in your Magisterial District; and (4) managing precincts during the day. You will need to be able to work the election days during your 2 year term. If you were a Magisterial Chair the last 2 years, you will need to run again for your position.
If anyone has any questions regarding these positions, please feel free to contact me.
Please join us on March 9, 2020 starting at 6:30 PM to socialize with fellow and potential committee members. The gavel will drop at 7:00 PM.
Yours in Liberty, yours in Freedom,
Tony DeTora
Monday, March 9, 2020 – 6:30 PM
I, Tony DeTora, as Chairman of the Stafford County Republican Committee (the “SCRC”), do hereby call for a meeting of the SCRC to take place at the aforementioned time and location, or such other location that be designated if necessary, for the purpose of conducting the business set forth below, and any other such business as may come before the SCRC.
- Call to Order and Opening of Meeting
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Reading of the Republican Creed
- Remarks from Elected Officials
- Introduction of Visitors and Guests
- Appointment of a Proxy Committee
- Proxies and Roll Call
- Election
- First Vice Chairman
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Magisterial Chairs
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Secretary’s Report
- Old Business
- New Business
- Amending Membership Form
- Election of new committee members/restoration of voting rights
- Adjournment