“If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.” –George Washington, 1st President of the United States of America
There has been an ongoing discussion about getting back to in-person meetings. Through my conversations, I realize that many of you still have significant concerns about gathering in person. I also realize that many of you are not worried about the situation and are ready to get back to life before the virus. I further note that many of you really don’t want to engage on a virtual platform. This is a difficult thing to balance, but for September we will proceed with a virtual meeting.
We will hold our September meeting virtually via Zoom. So, please come and join us on September 14, 2020. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. The Official Call is below with login details.
This coming Saturday, September 12, from 10a-3p we will have a Super Saturday Door Knocking event in Stafford. We’re working closely with the campaigns to ensure the proper training and walk sheets for engaging our Republican voters. I will send out a notice with specific details later this week.
This past Saturday many of you participated in the Trump Boat Parade from the Aquia Creek to the Potomac River and on to Fairview Beach. There were well over 100 boats in the parade supporting our President. There have been boat parades across the country supporting President Trump and we can see the momentum picking up on our path to getting him re-elected. Virginia is within reach. We can turn it red again!
We’re getting down to it now. The cooler weather is coming, and that brings with it the stark reality that the Democrats nominated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We cannot let them win. It is bad enough that we have to deal with Nancy Pelosi and the leftist agenda of “The Squad” but if we lose the White House then all bets are off.
It feels like America’s streets are not safe and riots can flare up anywhere in an instant. We see the lawlessness in America’s cities while the liberal press attacks us for wanting order restored. Protesting is not the same as rioting. Marching and petitioning is not the same as mobs blocking roadways and attacking cars with families in them. We know the difference, and so do those who refuse to call these things what they are.
Our greatest weapon is the ballot box. There are many more Americans who believe in law and order than there are who believe in destruction and mayhem. Our votes matter. So does getting our allies out to the polls. We’re rounding the final turn and coming up on the home stretch. Now is the time to fight our way to victory.
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
Monday, September 14, 2020 – 7:00 PM
Virtual meeting, Zoom call, login details below.
I, Tony DeTora, Chairman of the Stafford County Republican Committee (the “SCRC”), do hereby call for a meeting of the SCRC to take place at the aforementioned time and location, or other such location that be designated if necessary, for the purpose of conducting the business set forth below, and any other such business as may come before the SCRC.
- Call to Order and Opening of Meeting
- Invocation
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Reading of the Republican Creed
- Acknowledgement of Visitors
- Remarks from Elected Officials
- Remarks from Candidates
- Introduction of Guests
- Appointment of a Proxy Committee
- Proxies and Roll Call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Chairman Report
- First Vice Chairman Report
- Treasurer Report
- Secretary Report
- Old Business
- Nominations for open positions
- 1st District Dues
- New Business
- Bylaws
- Lincoln Reagan Dinner
- Announcements
- Election of new committee members/restoration of voting rights
- Adjournment
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81744676161?pwd=UCs3UzkxQTlSeHlueXZxTmRVOXBrZz09
Dial-in: +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 817 4467 6161
Passcode: 679618
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdZgUO7nTE