June 2021 Chairman’s Notes
Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe on Gov. Ralph Northam:
Feb. 1, 2019: “It’s time for Ralph to step down, and for the Commonwealth to move forward.”
Apr. 8, 2021: “I am honored to have this great leader supporting me in my race for Governor.”
Honored! Great leader! Oh, Terry! It’s like you’re not even trying anymore.
And guess who the Democrats are about to nominate for Governor. Again.
I am looking forward to our Republican victories in November!
June’s meeting will be in person, at the Paradise Diner at 260 Warrenton Road on Monday, June 14, 2021. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. The Official Call is below with the agenda.
Paul Milde and Cindy Shelton square off in the primary for the Aquia Supervisor nomination – at your usual Aquia precinct tomorrow, Tuesday, June 8, 2021.
We are continuing our work towards two major fundraising events in 2021 – our Golf Tournament on June 14th, and our Lincoln-Reagan dinner in September.
Information about our Golf Tournament, including Sponsorship Opportunities can be seen here: Inaugural Golf Tournament
I agree with Terry McAuliffe that it’s time for the Commonwealth to move forward. Forward to free, fair, and honest elections. Forward to equal rights for everyone. Forward to accountability. Forward to open schools and open businesses. Forward to conservative leadership. Forward to Republican victories in November.
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
April 2021 Chairman’s Notes
Delegate for VA HD 28, Preacher, Millennial Idealist, Made in the 90’s, Hope Dealer. “I fight evil for a living!” [Raised fist] [Rainbow flag]–Twitter bio for Delegate Joshua Cole (@JoshuaCole)
In months past I’ve provided inspirational quotes from Republican Senators and Presidents. I’m going a different way this month. Above is the Twitter bio for Democrat Joshua Cole. He spends his time fighting against Republicans. As if his actions weren’t clear enough, his bio is clear – he thinks that we’re evil. He thinks that any time we make a proposal we have an evil intent. He and his fellow Democrats believe that they are justified in making up lies to tell about us. They think it is evil to want secure elections. They think it is evil to keep taxes and spending low. They think it is evil to say that people should live up to their responsibilities. They think it is evil to support law enforcement and honor those brave women and men who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
I am sick and tired of being called evil for believing in what it says in the Virginia Republican Creed. I want you to think about this, to think about Joshua Cole and how evil he thinks you are, and then I want to ask – how much time do you have to help elect and support Republicans this year?
I was hopeful that we could hold our April meeting in person, but I need you to bear with me for one more month of electronic meeting. May’s meeting will be in person, even if I have to do it in a parking lot. We will hold our April meeting electronically over zoom next Monday, April 12, 2021. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. The Official Call is below with login and call-in details.
Speaking of attendance at our meetings, we will consider an amendment to the SCRC bylaws as another step towards correcting our quorum problems. The link will bring you to the text of the amendment with a brief explanation. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact me so we can discuss.
The RPV Convention to select the Republican nominees for Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General will be held on May 8, 2021.
In order to participate in the convention, you must pre-file as a Delegate by 5pm on April 17. Information about the candidates and how and where to pre-file are on our website. If you have questions not answered there, please contact me directly.
In three of our upcoming elections, we had only one qualified candidate file, making them our Republican nominees:
28th Delegate District – Tara Durant
Falmouth Supervisor – Meg Bohmke
Hartwood Supervisor – Darrell English
In two of our elections, we had multiple qualified candidates file (in order of filing):
88th Delegate District – Rich Breeden, Phillip Scott, and Holly Hazard
- Party Canvas will be held 10a-2p, Saturday, April 24
- Stafford votes at the William J. Howell Branch Library, 806 Lyons Boulevard
Aquia Supervisor – Paul Milde, and Cindy Shelton
- Primary will be held on Tuesday, June 8 at your normal voting location
And in two of our elections, we had no qualified candidates file:
2nd Delegate District
Garrisonville Supervisor
Important information will continue to be posted on the SCRC website about these elections. If anyone has questions not answered on the website, please contact me directly.
We are continuing our work towards two major fundraising events in 2021 – a golf tournament and a Lincoln-Reagan dinner.
We need your help to plan and run these events. We need your participation in many things that we do. If you want to help, please reach out and we’ll figure it out.
- Event Planning and Management
- Social Media
- Election Day Operations
- Outreach
- Letters to the Editor
- Social Events
- Other
Tomorrow is a meeting of the Board of Supervisors. They have been hearing from the Democrats, and hearing from them, and hearing from them. They need to hear from us. If you’re available, please consider attending the meeting. You can even spend a few minutes at the microphone to share your thoughts on what a great job our Republican officials are doing, or weigh in on the important issues they’re considering.
We work hard to elect Republicans, and then we mostly let them do their work. But it’s not enough for us to just elect the right people, we must give them continued support and feedback to ensure that they’re carrying out what we want. We must stand with them when things get hard, so they know they can stand firm. So they don’t yield on principle even if they must compromise on policy. Even if our opponents think us evil for doing so.
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86019128305?pwd=K1c3ekh4R3pBQlN5ZE54aXNxSHZyQT09
Meeting ID: 860 1912 8305
Passcode: 938366
Or dial in: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
March 2021 Chairman’s Notes
“Little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is evil. Our great hope lies in developing what is good.”–Sir Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States of America
We will hold our October meeting electronically over zoom next Monday, March 8, 2021. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. The Official Call is below with login and call-in details.
Annual dues of $40 are due on March 3, 2021. According to our Bylaws, Members whose dues have not been paid may not vote in SCRC business meetings. Voting rights are restored upon receipt of payment. I now have an unusual request – if you will not be at our March business meeting, please wait until March 9th to pay your dues. This will help ensure a quorum at our meeting so we can take care of important business. Dues can be paid on the website: https://staffordgop.com/member-resources/ or by sending a check to our P.O. Box 2461, Stafford, VA 22555 or by arranging to drop it off with an SCRC officer.
Speaking of quorum, I am proposing an amendment to the SCRC bylaws to correct the quorum problem I just mentioned. The link will bring you to the text of the amendment with a brief explanation. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact me so we can discuss.
By now you have probably heard of the official retirements of Delegate Mark Cole and Supervisor Gary Snellings. Their tireless work on behalf of their constituents is an extraordinary legacy. These patriots will be truly missed by the people of Stafford.
Thank you, Gary!
Thank you, Mark!
Stafford will have partisan elections in November for the following :
2nd Delegate District
28th Delegate District
88th Delegate District
Aquia Supervisor
Falmouth Supervisor
Garrisonville Supervisor
Hartwood Supervisor
Nominations will be made by primary (with the exception of the 88th Delegate District). Important information will be posted on the SCRC website about these contests. If anyone has questions not answered on the website, please contact me directly.
We are planning two major fundraising events in 2021 – a golf tournament and a Lincoln-Reagan dinner. We are looking for volunteers to help plan and run these events.
We are also planning better outreach to people in Stafford. As Republicans, we have a lot to offer to communities throughout our county. We just haven’t done a good enough job reaching out to them where they are, sharing our beliefs and why they’re important, and listening to what they care about and how we can work together to achieve our common goals. We need volunteers to help us with this.
That Calvin Coolidge quote is not one of his most famous ones, but I think it shines a clear light on America today. Americans from all sides are focused on what’s evil and who’s to blame. I understand – there is a lot of blame to go around, and a lot of things that can only be explained through evil.
But we stand for something more. We stand for liberty and prosperity. We stand for peace through strength. We stand for supplying for human needs through the free market. We stand for inclusion for all who assume their responsibilities as citizens. We stand for belief in God as the foundation for the the moral fiber of America.
Together we stand up for truth and justice and hope and strength and freedom!
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86019128305?pwd=K1c3ekh4R3pBQlN5ZE54aXNxSHZyQT09
Meeting ID: 860 1912 8305
Passcode: 938366
Or dial in: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
February 2021 Chairman’s Notes
“Some people’s idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage.”–Sir Winston Churchillt
We will hold a meeting on zoom this coming Monday, February 8, 2021. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. We will hear from candidates for upcoming elections, including the statewide races in 2021. Details and the login information is below.
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84100561863?pwd=U1A2UE1IMS8rMnMvVkpjUUJOaFVmZz09
Meeting ID: 841 0056 1863
Passcode: 232372
Or dial in: +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
January 2021 Chairman’s Notes
“It’s time to bring sanity back to Richmond.”–Heather Mitchell, Republican Candidate, 2nd Delegate District
The Special Election is today until 7pm.
Republican nominee – Stafford’s Heather Mitchell – needs your vote if you are in the 2nd Delegate District.
How do I know if I’m in the 2nd Delegate District?
Look here: https://www.vpap.org/offices/house-of-delegates-2/redistricting/
Check here: https://whosmy.virginiageneralassembly.gov/
We will hold a meeting on zoom this coming Monday, January 11, 2020. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. We will hear from candidates for upcoming elections, including the statewide races in 2021. Details and the login information is below.
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
December 2020 Chairman’s Notes
“Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to the Government nor of dungeons to ourselves. LET US HAVE FAITH THAT RIGHT MAKES MIGHT, AND IN THAT FAITH, LET US, TO THE END, DARE TO DO OUR DUTY AS WE UNDERSTAND IT.”–Abraham Lincoln, February 27, 1860 Cooper Union Address
Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy resigned so she can focus on trying to move into a bigger house – the Governor’s mansion. We had an almost immediate turnaround on selecting a nominee for the 2nd Delegate District because the filing deadline to get on the ballot is Monday at 5pm. The district includes parts of Stafford and Prince William counties. The Special Election will be on January 5, 2021 so the new Delegate can participate in the legislative session in Richmond.
One candidate filed for the Republican nomination – Stafford’s Heather Mitchell. I can’t think of anyone who would better serve the 2nd District.
Now we need everyone’s help to win this seat back. Republicans have won the seat before and, with our help, we can secure a victory in the Special Election. I am asking each of you – even those who don’t live in the 2nd – to help contribute time and effort so we do everything we can to win back this seat.
We will hold an unofficial meeting on zoom this coming Monday, December 14, 2020. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. We will hear from candidates for upcoming elections, including the statewide races in 2021. Details and the login information is below.
President Trump continues his effort to ensure that all valid votes are counted and that invalid votes are thrown out. This work has yielded an incredible backlash among the media, who have proven themselves to be no more than a PR wing for the Democrats. It is also clear that some of the lawyers and witnesses who made the largest claims of fraud weren’t able to provide enough evidence to convince state courts to take the measures that would be required. We’ll see how the Supreme Court handles the cases that have been appealed or filed there.
We worked hard. We fought together. And the ground shifted out from under our feet. They changed the rules – no photo ID needed to vote, extending Election Day for seven weeks, and they wanted to count ballots that were mailed AFTER Election Day.
We re-elected Rob Wittman, but Daniel Gade and President Trump both lost Stafford County.
But we have been given another chance – the 2nd Delegate District. Half of this district is in Prince William, but if we can get Stafford Republicans to vote in the January 5 Special Election, we can send Heather Mitchell to Richmond. I know that we all have a lot on our plate with Christmas and New Year and everything else. But this is our chance to say that Stafford County is not turning BLUE, we are staying RED. This is our chance to say that we believe in God and America and support our troops. This is our chance to say that choices matter, and our choice is freedom, justice, and family.
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
October 2020 Chairman’s Notes
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”–Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States of America
We will hold our October meeting in person at the Falmouth Volunteer Fire Department next Monday, October 12, 2020. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. The Official Call is below with address details. A special thank you to the Falmouth Volunteer Fire Department for hosting us, and to 1st Vice Chairman Charles Sterne for coordinating.
This coming Saturday, October 10 at 9am there will be a rally for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Daniel Gade (flier attached). The rally will be at the Fredericksburg Area Trump Victory Office at 4920 Southpoint Parkway. This will be a great event, and then Charlie Gann from the Gade campaign will be leading a Door Knocking event. Come on out!
Coming up on October 20, Congressman Rob Wittman will be coming to Stafford for a sign party at Saint Clair Brooks Park from 3-4:30pm. Come pick up your campaign yard signs, and show your support for Rob. At 4:40p, Brent Canada from the Wittman campaign will be leading a Door Knocking event.
The Stafford County Fair is being held this year – with a shortened schedule – on October 16-18. We will have a booth on site during the event, which is being held at 9000 Celebrate VA Pkwy. We can always use more volunteers to talk with folks who come by the booth. Come on out and share your support!
Voting has started.
The riots have not ended.
The threat to freedom is very real. We must vote. We must knock. We must rally. We must reach out to our neighbors and ensure they vote.
By standing together, we are strong. By standing on principle, we are firm. By standing on truth, we are righteous. And by standing up in the face of those who would silence us because of our faith, or our ideas, or our party, we will be victorious!
If you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat. -Ronald Reagan
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
September 2020 Chairman’s Notes
“If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.” –George Washington, 1st President of the United States of America
There has been an ongoing discussion about getting back to in-person meetings. Through my conversations, I realize that many of you still have significant concerns about gathering in person. I also realize that many of you are not worried about the situation and are ready to get back to life before the virus. I further note that many of you really don’t want to engage on a virtual platform. This is a difficult thing to balance, but for September we will proceed with a virtual meeting.
We will hold our September meeting virtually via Zoom. So, please come and join us on September 14, 2020. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. The Official Call is below with login details.
This coming Saturday, September 12, from 10a-3p we will have a Super Saturday Door Knocking event in Stafford. We’re working closely with the campaigns to ensure the proper training and walk sheets for engaging our Republican voters. I will send out a notice with specific details later this week.
This past Saturday many of you participated in the Trump Boat Parade from the Aquia Creek to the Potomac River and on to Fairview Beach. There were well over 100 boats in the parade supporting our President. There have been boat parades across the country supporting President Trump and we can see the momentum picking up on our path to getting him re-elected. Virginia is within reach. We can turn it red again!
We’re getting down to it now. The cooler weather is coming, and that brings with it the stark reality that the Democrats nominated Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We cannot let them win. It is bad enough that we have to deal with Nancy Pelosi and the leftist agenda of “The Squad” but if we lose the White House then all bets are off.
It feels like America’s streets are not safe and riots can flare up anywhere in an instant. We see the lawlessness in America’s cities while the liberal press attacks us for wanting order restored. Protesting is not the same as rioting. Marching and petitioning is not the same as mobs blocking roadways and attacking cars with families in them. We know the difference, and so do those who refuse to call these things what they are.
Our greatest weapon is the ballot box. There are many more Americans who believe in law and order than there are who believe in destruction and mayhem. Our votes matter. So does getting our allies out to the polls. We’re rounding the final turn and coming up on the home stretch. Now is the time to fight our way to victory.
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
August 2020 Chairman’s Notes
“When you are wronged repeatedly, the worst thing you can do is continue taking it–fight back! ” –Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
The RPV Convention is going forward on Saturday, August 15, 2020 as an unassembled convention. Additional volunteers to help with the convention are always welcome.
We have some Trump Yard Signs and can deliver them throughout the county, or make them available for pickup.
The Fredericksburg Fair has been cancelled for 2020.
We will hold our August meeting virtually via Zoom. So, please come and join us on August 10, 2020. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. The Official Call is below with login details.
They’re coming for us. They’re coming for the Republicans. And Stafford County is the new battleground. We see paid political operatives from the other side moving in. They’re lying about our motives and actions. For them, politics is power, and power is everything.
All of us believe in the words and spirit of the RPV Creed. “We believe that all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society.” I believe this in my heart and my soul, and I try to live it every day in my actions. But no action I take will ever convince the other side of that, because I have an (R) next to my name.
That’s ok. That’s their problem, not mine. I am a proud Republican. They want to tear down Abraham Lincoln’s statue. I stand tall and celebrate that I am in the party of Lincoln. They want to tear down Ronald Reagan, and Teddy Roosevelt, and Donald Trump.
I say no! I say enough! I say we must stand and fight! We are three months from the election. Rob Wittman needs us to send him back to the U.S. House. Daniel Gade needs us to send him to the U.S. Senate. And Donald Trump does not win Virginia unless he wins right here in Stafford County.
It is time to fight.
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman
July 2020 Chairman’s Notes
“We gather tonight to herald the most important day in the history of nations: July 4th, 1776. At those words, every American heart should swell with pride. Every American family should cheer with delight. And every American patriot should be filled with joy, because each of you lives in the most magnificent country in the history of the world, and it will soon be greater than ever before. ” -Donald Trump
For President Trump’s full remarks, go here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-south-dakotas-2020-mount-rushmore-fireworks-celebration-keystone-south-dakota/
The RPV Convention is going forward on Saturday, August 15, 2020 as an unassembled convention. Delegates will receive updated information in the coming weeks.
Congratulations to Daniel Gade on winning the Republican primary for U.S. Senate. Daniel will need our help to beat Mark Warner in November.
I have been made aware of a number of options to get group discounts on 4’x8′ TRUMP signs. If you’re interested in more information, please let me know and I’ll make certain you’re updated.
The Fredericksburg Fair is coming up, July 31 – August 9th.
If you haven’t come out before, it is a fun time for the whole family. We will need volunteers to help out at our booth. We sign up new members and volunteers, inform people about the upcoming elections, and even pass out literature and yard signs. People really appreciate our presence.
We are planning to have our July meeting virtually via Zoom. So, please come and join us on July 13, 2020. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. Some of you may not feel comfortable attending due to personal health or other reasons. It is my intention that absences from this meeting will not count against the three consecutive meeting rule.
In liberty,
Tony DeTora
SCRC Chairman