January 2019 Chairman’s Notes
New year…new beginnings… 2019 is going to be an exciting and busy year for the Republican Party, especially locally. While we are all members of one group, we must remember and respect that we are all individuals with our own preferences and ideas. This will be more apparent now as the candidate season fast approaches.
I agree with our Commander in Chief, when he said:
“We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.” – Donald Trump
Additionally, let’s not lose sight on what our common ground is and why we elected Donald Trump to be our President of the United States of America in the first place:
“We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again.” – Donald Trump
We are well on our way toward this goal, but 2018 was a mixed bag for the Republican Party. Stafford County is rapidly changing. What worked in the not so far past to elect conservatives is not going to work anymore. We must work together and come up with new ways to invigorate the base and get conservatives to the polls.
President Trump really sums up what our theme should be for the year:
“I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s where the fun is.” – Donald Trump
The January Business Meeting is an important one for us and we have much to cover. Due to the holidays, we have missed quorum by a few votes for the October and December meetings. So, if you cannot make the meeting, please let me know and get a proxy.
Election of New Members
I have received many applications for membership. The name of the individuals who, thus far, are seeking membership to the SCRC are listed on the Agenda. Please note that we will be voting in each potential member individually.
NOTE TO APPLICANTS TO OUR COMMITTEE: it is strongly encouraged that you show up to our meeting on January 14th if you can. While it is not required for you to be present, this allows our membership to meet you and ask questions if the need arises. If you are unable to make the meeting, please let me know.
Committee Elections
In addition to the Treasurer and the Magisterial Chair elections, we will now need to elect a Secretary. Heather Flynn has resigned her post due to a new job that conflicts with our meeting time. We wish her success in her new endeavors.
If anyone has an interest or is willing to step up to the post of Secretary, please let me know. This is an important position. Plus, I’m sure Tony DeTora will sincerely appreciate it!
School Board
I have included on the Agenda the Stafford County School Board’s Revised Proposed New Policy #2420, which is the Gendered Identity and Expression policy amendment proposal. I sent out a separate email with the upcoming dates, regarding this important issue, this past weekend. We will be discussing in our meeting what role the SCRC wants to have with respect to the proposed policy. It is worthy to note that the policy that passes, if any, will be the first in the entire Commonwealth of Virginia.
This matter is next up on the School Board’s Agenda as an information Item tomorrow, January 8, 2019 at 7:00pm. The School Board address is: 31 Stafford Ave, Stafford, VA 22554
Social Time Before the Meeting
As of now, we do not have anyone signed up to provide snacks or drinks for the January meeting. If anyone who has not yet volunteered wishes to help out, please let me know.
Looking forward to seeing everyone next Monday!
Yours in Liberty, yours in Freedom,
Adela C. Bertoldi
December 2018 Chairman’s Notes
Please come and join the Stafford County Republican Committee at our Christmas Party on December 12, 2018 at 6:30pm, located at Augustine North Community Center, located at 201 Monument Dr, Stafford, VA 22554. Many thanks to all those who have offered to help make our Christmas Party a success!
While the primary intent of our gathering is to celebrate the season, we will be holding a meeting as well. So, please make sure to attend so that we have quorum and can vote in several individuals who have sought to join our committee. In addition, we will be holding elections for Treasurer and Magisterial Chairs.
Yours in Liberty, yours in Freedom,
Adela C. Bertoldi
November 2018 Chairman’s Notes
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance” Thomas Jefferson
First, let me say congratulations to Congressman Rob Wittman in his hard-fought bid to continue to represent the 1st District of Virginia.
Corey Stewart and Gordon Silver may have lost their bids, but they worked hard and put everything they had into their races. We thank them for their efforts in promoting the conservative cause.
We would also like to thank all our Election Day warrior volunteers who braved the cold and rainy weather to help out and do what was needed.
I would like to personally thank Tony DeTora for all his work as First Vice Chairman. Your diligence paid off and it showed at the polls. I would also like to thank Crystal Vanuch (Second Vice Chair), and the Magisterial Chairs (elected and acting) who stepped up and worked hard in the districts that they were responsible for representing on Election Day. They are:
1. Jim Fry, Aquia District
2. Jerry Fitzgerald, Falmouth District
3. Bart Randall, Garrisonville District
4. Mike Rodriguez, Hartwood District
5. Crystal Vanuch, Griffis Widewater District
6. Craig Tones, Rock Hill District
7. Bill Stewart, George Washington District
So, now down to business, the election is over and its time to take a deep breath and regroup. We lost the US Senate and the Board of Supervisors races. We managed to keep the US Congressional seat, but not by many points. With the new growth in Stafford, particularly in North Stafford, our demographics are changing. What worked in the immediate past to elect conservatives to office also needs to change and adjust. There are many ideas that we can explore to make that happen. Starting with the January meeting, we will be focused on those ideas so that we will be ready for next year and the years to come. So, bring your ideas and lets work together to be stronger in 2019!
Since the November meeting landed on Veteran’s Day weekend, it has been cancelled. There is NO MEETING THIS MONDAY!!!!!!
And, to all the service men and woman, along with their families, who have fought for our great country, WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. God bless you!
We will be having a Christmas Party and business meeting on Wednesday, DECEMBER 12, 2018. Location will be at the Augustine North Community Center, located at 201 Monument Dr, Stafford, Va, as in years past. Details will follow with the agenda for the December meeting. I do need some help with the party. So, please let me know if you are interested in helping to make a dish or bringing some decorations for the event!
Thank you again to the Committee for your hard work in promoting the conservative ideals for which we all care about. If we want to succeed, we must work together toward our common goal.
Adela C. Bertoldi
October 2018 Chairman’s Notes
“The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing.” John Adams
We have all known and understood what the new face of the modern Democrat Party looks like, but it hasn’t been clearer than it has been in the past 14 days. The modern Democrat Party has put it all out on the table. They are holding no more cards close to the vest. I am sure that I am not alone in saying this, but this is a new low for our Country as a whole. Are we as Republicans going to let the Democrats get away with this?
I hope that the answer is no.
We need take the advice of former White House Chief of Staff for Obama, Rahm Emanuel and “never let a good crisis go to waste.” People are upset, and rightfully so. If there has even been a time that we need to unite as a party, it is now. There is an election in November. This is when our voices will be heard. We must be louder than the Democrats to win in November. If we don’t win, and the Democrats regain power, we know what we will see for the next two years: impeachments and investigations. This is not speculation; this is the platform that the Democrats are running on.
We all need to do our part. Can we count on you? Can our candidates count on you?
There are remaining training dates and times for inside poll watchers and outside volunteers. The location will be at the Porter Library, located at 2001 Parkway Blvd, Stafford. Please mention the training sessions to your friends and try and bring at least one person with you. RSVP is encouraged for proper head count. The remaining dates and times are as follows:
October 10th 1-5pm (Wed), October 25th 6-9pm (Th), and October 27th 1-5pm (Sat).
Also, if there campaigns or groups that have at least 5 volunteers, we can arrange to come and conduct the training for the group on a date and time other than the ones listed above.
We still need of volunteers for some of the districts. This is an important role and a vital part of the Election Day process. If anyone has interest, please contact me. We will be holding elections at our October meeting for the 4 open Magisterial District Chair positions. Candidates for the Rock Hill and Garrisonville Districts have stepped up and will be seeking the seat in their respective districts. We are still in need of candidates in the Hartwood and Griffis-Widewater Districts.
The fair is scheduled for October 18th- October 21st. The fair hours are as follows:
Thursday 5pm-10pm
Friday 5pm-11pm
Saturday 12pm-11pm
Sunday 12pm-9pm
We need volunteers to work the fair. Please email me if you are interested. We will also make sure that a signup sheet is on the website shortly.
Congressman Rob Wittman (VA-01) has committed to two debates against Democrat candidate Vangie Williams. If you plan on attending one or both of the debates, you must arrive as early as you can. They are expecting a full house. It is our understanding that the parking lots and seats will go VERY fast and VERY early. Think about making signs in support of Wittman if you plan on attending. The known information for both debates are:
- October 22, 2018: Location: University of Mary Washington, Dodd Auditorium, 1301 College Avenue, Fredericksburg, VA 22401; Time: Doors open at 6:45pm, event starts at 7pm; event will be moderated by UMW Political Science Professor Dr. Stephen Farnsworth; the event is sponsored by the Free Lance-Star and the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce.
- October 25, 2018: Location: Hanover High School, Mechanicsville, VA; the event starts at 7pm.
Big thanks to Crystal Vanuch who has committed to bring the snacks for the meeting and Jim Fry who will be bringing the drinks for the October meeting!
So, please come and join us on October 8, 2018, starting at 7:00 PM to socialize with fellow and potential committee members. The gavel will drop at 7:30 PM.
Yours in Liberty, yours in Freedom,
Adela C. Bertoldi
September 2018 Chairman’s Notes
“You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve YOUR freedom. I hope you will make a good use of it.” John Adams
ELECTION, ELECTION, ELECTION…. Have I mentioned that there is an election soon!
For those of you who missed the last meeting, I stressed the importance of supporting all of our candidates on the November ballot. The candidate you supported in the Primary may not have won, but at the end the day, we all need to be a cohesive team and work together to elect Republicans.
Will Stanton made a wise statement in the Ladies’ Home Journal, dated Nov. 1962, he said, “Republicans sleep in twin beds-some even in separate rooms. That is why there are more Democrats.” If we have learned anything from the last Presidential election, it’s that elections are decided by those who show up to vote. It is not only up to us to vote, but also actively work with the Republican candidates in getting their constituents out to vote as well.
We are planning a few Election Day volunteer drives at the Mantel Coffee Shoppe, located at 15 Tech Pkwy #101, Stafford. The dates and times are TBA. However, we will be scheduling dates for the weeks of October 1st and the 15th. Others dates may be added as well. Stay tuned.
Training dates and times for inside poll watchers and outside volunteers have been scheduled. The location will be at the Porter Library, located at 2001 Parkway Blvd, Stafford. You will be able to sign up for a specific date and time on the website in the next couple of days. Also, please mention the training sessions to your friends and try and bring at least one person with you. It is a great way to outreach to the community and for them to learn about elections, volunteering and to learn about our Committee. RSVP is encouraged for proper head count. The Porter Library rooms have maximum occupancy requirements, so it is important to have a good estimate of how many people will be attending each training session. The dates and times are as follows:
- September 11th 1-5pm (Tuesday)
- September 15th 2-5pm (Saturday)
- September 22nd 10-1pm (Saturday)
- September 27th 6-9pm (Thursday)
- October 10th 1-5pm (Wednesday)
- October 25th 6-9pm (Thursday)
- October 27th 1-5pm (Saturday)
We are still need volunteers for many of the districts. This is an important role and a vital part of the Election Day process. If anyone has interest, please contact me. We still need Magisterial Chairs for: Rock Hill, Hartwood, Garrisonville and Griffis-Widewater.
Big thanks to Heather Flynn who signed up to bring the treats for the September meeting! So, please come and join us on September 10, 2018 starting at 7:00 PM to socialize with fellow and potential committee members. The gavel will drop at 7:30 PM.
Yours in Liberty, yours in Freedom,
Adela C. Bertoldi
August 2018 Chairman’s Notes
“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” Abraham Lincoln
I know that it still seems a long time away, but I the November Election is right around the corner. I am asking everyone to mark your calendars now and set some time aside to volunteer on Election Day. We understand that everyone has a busy schedule, but please consider volunteering at least some of your time.You can speak to either me or Tony DeTora about volunteering options. We must be active and help our candidates win in November. We need at least 180 volunteers to cover inside and outside the polls in November. A signup sheet will go around at this meeting for the November election.
We are still need volunteers for about half of the districts. This is an important role and a vital part of the Election Day process. If anyone has interest, please contact me. We still need Magisterial Chairs in the following districts: Rock Hill, Hartwood, Garrisonville and Griffis-Widewater.
I hope that everyone has been able to check out the website. If not, please do! The website address is the same: www.staffordgop.com
We had a very successful booth at the Fredericksburg Fair. I want to give a huge thanks to everyone who volunteered. Our booth was well represented. All the campaigns pitched in, as did members of the SCRC and elected officials. Thanks again for your time and commitment to promoting the Republican cause! A special thanks to John Humphrey for organizing and taking the lead for the booth!
If you want to attend the meeting, but have a conflict, you can send some to vote for you. The Proxy Form is attached to this email. The CRITERIA for a proxy is that the person voting for you must be: (1) a non-member of the SCRC; (2) a Stafford registered voter; and (3) must have your signed Proxy Form with them. A copy of the Proxy Form is sufficient. It does not need to be an original.
Big thanks to Everett Lovell who have signed up to bring the treats for the August meeting! So, please come and join us on August 13, 2018 starting at 7:00 PM to socialize with fellow and potential committee members. The gavel will drop at 7:30 PM.
Yours in Liberty, yours in Freedom,
Adela C. Bertoldi
4th of July Volunteers for Congressman Whittman’s Campaign
Congressman Wittman needs our help! Please see the list of events below where volunteering is needed. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer for any of the events listed below, feel free to email Kyle McClain directly at [email protected] or reach him at his cell phone 419-689-2655.
YOU DON”T HAVE TO BE THERE THE ENTIRE TIME. If people have an hour or two to give, that would be extremely helpful!
July 4th
9:00-11:30ish Dale City Parade
-Need volunteers to walk in parade, hand out literature, candy, and hold up signs for Rob!
-Need volunteers to help create signs to be displayed in the parade (Artistic People)
-Rob Will be in attendance
9:00-5:00 PM Fredericksburg Heritage Festival
-Need volunteers to help set up tent in the morning and man table
-Need volunteers to help pass out candy, literature, yard signs, etc…
-Rob will attend some point during the afternoon
-I will be there from 1-5 after the Dale City Parade
9:00-11:00 AM Aquia Harbour 4th of July Parade
-Need a vehicle to put signs on for parade
-Need volunteers to walk in parade handing out literature, candy, etc…
Magisterial Chairs
This is an important role and a vital part of the Election Day process. Please remember that you will need to commit to a 2 year term, and you will need to be able to work the entire day for both primaries and general elections. If anyone has interest, but needs further clarification about the roll, please contact me. We still need Magisterial Chairs in the following districts for the November Election:
Rock Hill
Fredericksburg Fair
Stafford County Republican Committee will have a booth at the Fredericksburg Fair! The Fair dates are July 27 – August 5th. Stop by and say hi! This is also a great opportunity for the committee, elected officials and candidates to meet with the residents of Stafford County. We need volunteers to help work the fair. If you are interested, please sign-up below.