March 2024 Chairman’s Notes
Good Tuesday all. I am calling for a regular monthly committee meeting on Monday, 11 March 2017. Guy Cox, whom I have appointed as communications director will sit in as acting chairman and conduct the meeting. Les Gabriel will sit as 1st Vice Chair. The primary issue in our forefront is the current local property tax proposal. I encourage all to attend the bi-monthly board of supervisors meeting today at the George L Gordon Government Center 1300 Courthouse Rd. I know that this is short notice, but will be on top of these issues as this plane levels out.
February 2024 Chairman’s Notes
Please be advised that the Mass Meeting is cancelled and the meeting scheduled for February 12, 2024, at 7:00pm will be the regular February business meeting. The meeting will take place at the Falmouth Firehouse at 250 Butler Road. The full call is below.
Congratulations to Steve Schwartz who is now Chairman. In keeping with the call, the RPV Plan, and the SCRC bylaws, Steve was the only eligible candidate and has been deemed elected as Chairman. I know he will do an excellent job, and I appreciate all of you showing him your trust.
Of course, this means that I am no longer Chairman. It has been quite a ride serving in this role. I appreciate each and every one of you, and the hard work and dedication you have shown. I know that each of you believe deeply in our shared values, and each of you work hard to ensure the future of our Commonwealth and our nation. I will miss working with you all so closely, but I am certain we’ll be working on shared projects in the future as well.
The main order of business is to elect the rest of the executive board to support Steve and help carry out the work of the committee. I know I can count on each of you to do whatever is in your power to support the party and help our elected officials, candidates, and committee officers.
Thank you once again for letting me serve as Chairman. It has been a rewarding and challenging job – one I wouldn’t trade for anything,
In Liberty,
Tony DeTora
Former SCRC Chairman
I am thankful for the opportunities that God has given to me, this community and the American people to help lead this party, Stafford county, the Commonwealth of Virginia and These United States of America forward.
I also want to thank those who have endorsed me and especially the Aquia District team who have always been there to stand in the gap where needed.
I look forward to a hard fought upcoming year!
October 2023 Chairman’s Notes
“I know that solving problems requires a game plan, a serious and bold strategy to take on the challenges facing all Virginians.”
– Glenn Younkin, 74th Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia
We have a game plan. Governor Youngkin can’t implement the rest of his serious and bold strategy to ensure the people of Virginia have individual liberty, equal justice, rights, and opportunities until we retain control of the House of Delegates and retake the State Senate. Our game plan is to get our candidates: Lee Peters, Paul Milde, Jim Tully, Tara Durant, and Nikki Baldwin to victory. These are the most important elections in Virginia for control in Richmond next year. We win here in Stafford, or we lose in Richmond.
We have a game plan for Stafford County, as well. We want to protect parental rights, ensure fiscal responsibility, and ensure Stafford is a great place to live. Our game plan is to re-elect Crystal Vanuch, and elect Deuntay Diggs, and Jennifer Harper to the Board of Supervisors, and re-elect Susan Randall and Patricia Healy, and elect Mary Rupert to the School Board. These elections drive control of the policies that Stafford County will have for our children, for our school system, for our county tax rates, for zoning, and for so much more. We win these elections in Stafford, or we risk losing everything that Stafford is.
We have one more piece to our game plan – our Constitutional Officers. Democrats have been so impressed with the work our five Republican incumbents have done that they didn’t even field opponents in four of these elections. But that doesn’t mean we can take these lightly. Every vote counts every time. We need to ensure that Scott Mayausky defeats his opponent, and we need to re-elect David Decatur, Eric Olsen, and Kathy Sterne, and elect Mike Sienkowski. These positions are critical for the functioning of the county, and we must ensure that our trustworthy and capable nominees get across that finish line.
The Democrats have a game plan, too. We all know what it is. We’ve all seen their strategies: raise local taxes 40%, mask kids, send $10 million of Stafford’s money to Hampton Roads, treat victims like criminals and criminals like victims. We’ve seen what they’ve done to Loudoun County. We can’t let that happen here. We can’t let that happen to the Commonwealth. We can’t let that happen to Stafford.
We stand where it counts. These elections matter. Each vote matters. You matter. And what you choose to do now, and over the next 35 days, will make the difference. Keep fighting. Stand up for Stafford. Stand up for Virginia.
We will hold our next official meeting on Monday, October 9 at 7PM at the Falmouth Fire Station – 250 Butler Rd. The full call is below.
We need your help to staff our GOP tent at the Stafford Fair this Thursday-Sunday, Oct 5-8 at University of Mary Washington (RT 17, Stafford), 121 University Boulevard. We need volunteers for all four days, One shift each Thursday and Friday, from 5-8, and two shifts each Saturday and Sunday: 12-4 and 4-8 on Saturday, and 12-4 and 4-7 on Sunday. Spanish speakers and families are particularly welcome: good optics as Nancy Pelosi says! For those in 22406, it is your home turf, so let’s have a good turnout. Please sign up on Signup Genius, and if you have any questions, please call Bill Stewart at 917-855-3018.
We need your help to meet voters and handout our sample ballot at Early Voting daily between now and November 4th at the Stafford Government Center. For more information, or to volunteer, contact Charles Sterne at
We need your help to meet voters and handout our sample ballot on Election Day, November 7. We need volunteers at each precinct around Stafford. For more information, or to volunteer, contact your Magisterial District Chairman or Charles Sterne at
We need help to ensure that the voting precincts are run by Officers of Election that we trust. If you are available all day (and it’s a long day) we would like you to sign up here
If you don’t have all day, then we have slots for Election Observers or you can volunteer outside (see #3 above). If you need more information, or have questions, you can get in touch our Director of Election Integrity John Roy at
And if that’s not enough – each of our candidates need your help reaching voters. They are knocking on doors every day. They are making calls every day. They are writing postcards and letters every day. They are putting up signs every day. They are reaching out to family, friends, and neighbors to say “vote early and vote right” because if we lose Stafford, we lose everything.
We have a game plan and a serious and bold strategy to take on challenges facing Stafford and facing all Virginians. It is up to us – each one of us – to spend the next 35 days doing everything we can to carry it out. We need donations, we need votes, we need time, but mostly we need you. You are the face of the party. You are the people who make the difference every time. We have asked a lot of you, and we have to ask more. Now and for the next five weeks. Stafford is counting on us. Virginia is counting on us. I know you are up to the challenge. I know you understand the stakes. Now we need to fight. Let’s get this thing done!
In Freedom,
Tony DeTora
September 2023 Chairman’s Notes
There will be no meeting for September, which would fall on this coming Monday, 9/11. I ask you all to say a prayer that day in remembrance.
And instead of meeting, use the time you would have spent to reach out and help our candidates. Each of them needs help – door knocking, phone calls, writing postcards, talking to friends, and neighbors. Each of them needs resources – donate to their campaigns or directly to the party so we can print our sample ballots and other materials for early voting and for Election Day.
Our candidates are here:
If you have any questions, please let me know. I’ll be sending out more information soon about specific events and activities. In the meantime, please reach out to the campaigns and help get them across the finish line! Control of the state legislature, the Board of Supervisors, and the School Board rests in our hands!
In Freedom,
Tony DeTora
August 2023 Chairman’s Notes
“I love agitation and investigation and glory in defending unpopular truth against popular error.”
– James A. Garfield, 20th President of the United States
Misinformation. Disinformation. Lies, damn lies, and statistics. Popular error.
How many names do we have for things that simply aren’t true? How many words do we have for things that are “known” by most people, but are also untrue. We just heard Vice President Kamala Harris claim that Florida’s new curriculum praises slavery as beneficial to those who suffered under it, when the truth is the exact opposite. We heard President Joe Biden claim that Georgia’s new voting laws were “Jim Crow 2.0” until the election happened and 0% of black voters said they had any difficulty voting. We heard Rep. Adam Schiff claim proof of Russian election interference which is now thoroughly debunked. We heard Hillary Clinton claim that MAGA Republicans are responsible for heat waves, that the 2016 election was stolen from her, and that she would only wipe her server “with a cloth”.
We live in a time when the popular error is very popular, and we must agitate and investigate and defend unpopular truths at every turn. The popular error is that Republicans are racist, sexist, and classist. The unpopular truth is that Republicans simply want everyone to be treated the same way – equally before the law, fairly by society at large, and by their character and actions rather than their immutable characteristics.
To quote the RPV Creed: we believe that all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society.
Simple, straightforward truth. We will keep defending the truth, no matter how unpopular it is. It’s too important to do otherwise.
We will hold our next official meeting on Monday, August 14 at 7 PM at the Falmouth Fire Station – 250 Butler Rd. The full call is below. We will be considering an Endorsement for Griffis-Widewater School Board, a nonpartisan office. If you have questions, please let me know.
It is expected that we will move into Executive Session to consider confidential business. Executive Session is open only to active SCRC members, with special limited allowance made to others that the committee requires for the confidential business. Members will be sent a memo with additional details about the meeting.
Governor Glenn Youngkin will be in Stafford County for a “Parents Matter Conversation” at the Falmouth Volunteer Fire Department, 250 Butler Rd on Thursday, August 10. Doors open at 10am. Tickets are required. Follow this link for full details and to get tickets:
Join Tara Durant and her volunteer team at Amy’s Cafe |103 W Cambridge St on Wednesday, August 9th at 6:00pm for her first ‘Postcard Party’ of the general election! Help spread the word of Tara’s campaign by writing postcards to neighbors across the 27th District and meet with fellow supporters. You can RSVP at:
We had a great run at the Fredericksburg Fair, and I wanted to give a special Thank you! to Bill Stewart who really stepped into the breach to set up and manage our booth. Great job, Bill!
Secure Your Vote Virginia has been established by Governor Glenn Youngkin to help ensure our victory in November. I know many of you have deep concerns about election integrity. The Governor and his team have worked diligently to eliminate any problem areas, to ensure proper ballot safety and security measures are in place, and to create this portal to help us all ensure that our votes are secured for 2023 and beyond. You can visit the portal at
We fight and fight and fight and fight because we are the only ones who can do it. If we let up, if we allow them to lie and cheat and steal, if we leave our fellow citizens undefended and unprotected, then we lose everything we have fought for. I gave some examples of obvious lies, but their lies go so much deeper and lead to real harm. James Garfield did not serve long as President, but he did fight for the truth with the time he had. We owe it to everyone we know and love to do the same.
In Freedom,
Tony DeTora
July 2023 Chairman’s Notes
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” – Preamble to the Declaration of Independence
How many Democrats today fundamentally believe that Governments grant us our rights? All of them! They believe that we have no rights, no property, no say except what they allow us to have. But we know the truth – rights are God-given and we have rights because we are people. And the government’s job – its only job – is to secure our rights from those who would deny them to us. King George III and the English Parliament forgot that, or never understood that. That is why a group of Englishmen went to Philadelphia in 1776, and a group of Americans left Philadelphia. That is where a nation was born. A nation that we proudly call home today.
It is our responsibility to uphold those great ideas in the Declaration of Independence, and to properly enact those provisions in the U.S. Constitution. Lately the road has seemed longer and more fraught than it should. Our society seems upended. But we hold onto these self-evident truths, and we fight each fight that needs fighting because we believe there is no alternative. There is nothing better now and there never will be.
As you celebrate this Independence Day, remember each generation had their own struggles and fights and as bad as it seems now, it has been much, much worse in the past. We will prevail if we fight – if we refuse to leave the field of battle. We have many elections this November, and the balance of power in Stafford County and in Richmond may depend on how well we do our jobs.
We will hold our next official meeting on Monday, July 10 at 7PM at the Falmouth Fire Station – 250 Butler Rd. The full call is below. We will be considering Endorsements for nonpartisan offices and other offices without GOP nominees. If you have questions, please let me know.
It is expected that we will move into Executive Session to consider confidential business. Executive Session is open only to active SCRC members, with special limited allowance made to others that the committee requires for the confidential business. Members have been sent a memo with additional details about the meeting.
All eleven Republican nominees will be given an opportunity to address the membership at the July meeting. Some of them you’ve heard from recently, and some not. All of them need our help and support to win in November.
The 7th Congressional District Committee will be holding an Election Kickoff BBQ, Sunday, July 16 at 4pm at the Lilac Pavilion at Locust Shade Park, 4701 Locust Shade Dr, Triangle, VA. Flyer is below with a QR code to reserve your spot. Sponsorships are also available!
Since School Board elections are non-partisan, we cannot have nominees. This year, School Board seats are open in George Washington, Griffis-Widewater, and Rock Hill. We also do not have nominees for the Supervisor seats in George Washington or Griffis-Widewater. We will consider endorsements for candidates in these five elections during our July GOP meeting. More information about the endorsement process has been sent to the membership. If anyone wishes to join the Endorsement Committee, we have an open spot. If you wish us to consider endorsing a candidate, please fill out this form and send it to me no later than 7pm Saturday, July 8. If there are any questions, please contact me at
The Fredericksburg Fair will run from July 28-August 6 at the fairgrounds. We need volunteers to help staffing our booth, and set-up at the beginning of the fair. Volunteer slots can be filled by using our sign-up genius here: If you have trouble logging in, contact me or Charles Sterne at for help.
I usually don’t go with a double quote, but President Calvin Coolidge put the truth of it as clear as day: “If all men are created equal, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions.” No wonder progressives don’t like the truth. There can be no progress beyond these truths.
In Freedom,
Tony DeTora
May 2023 Chairman’s Notes
“People ask me about if, being a Republican, you guys want to cut everything and stop everything and not help people. I find that patently false.” – Senator Tim Scott
I’ve been hearing this recently because of our successful fight against the Largest Tax Increase in Stafford History. And not to say that Senator Scott didn’t go far enough, but I think that is a blatant and willful lie. You can see more details below, but the Republican plan (which passed 5-2) provided a $16.2 million increase to the Schools Budget – the single largest increase in Stafford history. This is the 3rd year in a row that the Republican plan gave the largest increase in Stafford history to the schools – with our schools getting ever larger increases each year.
Don’t believe the lies that Republicans don’t care about schools, or children, or teachers. You can believe what you want about Democrat plans that just might bankrupt a significant percentage of neighbors, families, and friends.
You cannot tax your way to prosperity – unless you are the king. And we threw off royalty in 1776. The Supervisors are exploring new ways to generate revenue without just piling it up on the backs of property owners, but they are severely hampered by the state legislature about what they can do. They are have been working with Governor Youngkin and our local legislators to find solutions.
Which brings me nicely into our Candidate Forum on Monday. Instead of our regularly scheduled May meeting, we will have a Candidate Forum with those seeking the Republican nominations for Stafford Treasurer, for the 27th Senate district, for the 29th Senate district, and for the 65th Delegate district. More details are below, and I hope to see you there.
We will not hold an official meeting in May. Stay tuned for details about June.
We have invited all of our candidates in contested primaries to participate in the Stafford GOP Candidate Forum on Monday, May 8 at 6:30pm at the Falmouth Fire Station at 250 Butler Rd in Southern Stafford. The forum is being co-sponsored by the Fredericksburg City GOP, the Prince William County GOP, and the Spotsylvania County GOP. Come out to hear our candidates, what they stand for, and how they plan to represent you!
- Tara Durant – State Senate District 27
- Matt Strickland – State Senate District 27
- Nikki Baldwin– State Senate District 29
- Maria Martin – State Senate District 29
- Lee Peters – House of Delegates District 65
- Michael Kasey – House of Delegates District 65
- Heather Mitchell – Stafford County Treasurer
- Mike Sienkowski – Stafford County Treasurer
The following is the message that was sent out by Stafford County about the FY2024 Budget, tax rates, and CIP:
Stafford’s Board of Supervisors adopted its Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and
Fiscal Year 2024–33 Capital Improvement Program. The FY2024 Budget
takes effect on July 1, 2023, and includes a real estate tax rate of $0.93 and
a motor vehicles personal property tax rate of $5.49 ($2.745 effective rate).
Before this meeting, the Board of Supervisors did vote to advertise the real
estate tax rate at $1.145.
The Board of Supervisors provided a $16.2 million increase to the School
budget, the largest increase in history. The increase includes a 5% percent
pay raise for all school employees. The Budget also includes several
enhancements to public safety, such as one new fire crew, six new deputies
for the Sheriff’s Office, 11 school protection officers and a Homeland Security
The FY24 Budget goes into effect on July 1, 2023. The new tax rates are
based on a calendar year and will be in effect starting with the June 2023
payments. New Utilities fees also go into effect beginning July 1, 2023.
All information on the FY2024 Budget may be found at The Adopted Budget will be published
before July 1, 2023.
The county is looking for more poll workers (Election Officials). With the increased number of precincts, and a county-wide primary, they need our help. The best way to ensure election integrity is by having Republicans in every precinct actually running the elections. If you’d like to sign up, or for more information, go here. If you can’t commit all day, then make sure you sign up with the party to help in a poll greeter role.
This month, our Speaker Series welcomes Maureen Siegmund who represents Garrisonville on the School Board. The event is, as always, on the 4th Monday of the month, May 22 at 6:30pm at the Porter Library, 2001 Parkway Boulevard. More information below or at this link.
I am always amazed at the ease with which people tell lies, or convince themselves of things which aren’t true. People get ideas into their heads and refuse to let them go. Research shows that people, when shown evidence that contradicts their beliefs, will become more entrenched rather than reconsider. I think this is doubly true when we look at the media, most of our universities, our entrenched “elites” who run most of our institutions. Public trust of our institutions is at historic lows. And for good reason. They blatantly tell lies, then when caught tell you the next lie – that they said the truth all along. We have much hard work as we seek to unspool their lies and take back our society. But there’s nobody I would rather be on this journey with than all of you.
In Freedom,
April 2023 Chairman’s Notes
March 2023 Chairman’s Notes
February 2023 Chairman’s Notes
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.”
– Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States
We will hold our next meeting on Monday, February 13 at 7pm at the Pancho Villa Mexican Restaurant, 752 Warrenton Rd. Fredericksburg. The official call is below. If you wish to become a member, or renew a lapsed membership, you can enter your information and pay the dues here. We’re asking everyone to try to sit by Magisterial District – we’ll need to do some things by district in the meeting, so it will be easier if they’re already together. Come Early – Order Food and Drinks – Support Our Local Businesses
Thank you to Les Gabriel who forwarded me information about Students for Life Action targeting Representative Abigail Spanberger because of her vote against the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 26). They are asking for small donations to help support these students who are engaged in this campaign. Donations can be made here:®istrants.messageid=230202
We will have 17 elected offices to fill in Stafford County this coming November. Many of our incumbents are running for re-election. We have some new names and faces putting themselves out there. And we’re still seeking individuals who may want to be Republican candidates in upcoming elections. If you or someone you know may be interested in running for office, please reply to this email so we can set up a time to talk. An up-to-date list of this year’s elections can be found at our website: We will update this page regularly with new information about the process and candidates.
We will hold our next SCRC Speaker Series event on Monday, February 27 at 6:30pm at the Porter Library at 2001 Parkway Boulevard, Stafford, VA 22554.
At our meeting on Monday, we will choose the method of nomination for eight of the upcoming elections, we will consider our annual budget, and start preparing to fully support our Republican candidates to secure victories in November. More information on these items will be sent to our Members’ distribution list. If you are a current member and haven’t been receiving our Members’ distribution emails, please reply to this message and let me know. We’ll get it sorted out.
In Freedom,
Tony DeTora