May 2022 Chairman’s Notes
Important reminder: No full committee business meeting. Instead, we will have smaller Magisterial District meetings and a full committee Fellowship Event.
“WE BELIEVE: That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice” – excerpt from the Republican Creed
We see what happens when the free enterprise system is encumbered by regulations, by bureaucracy, by government shutting down pipelines, by government interfering with how food is grown, shipped, and sold. We see how government-controlled ports back up, and ships line up out at sea while shelves remain empty. Choices matter. Elections matter. Policies matter. This is why we believe in freeing the creativity of the market wherever we can. Free markets are twice as efficient as government-controlled markets. That is a 100% tax. And when government controls something, you can’t make changes quickly, effectively, or intelligently. The free market self-corrects, and it does so quickly. Look at our schools, or our medical system. Government-controlled, expensive, mired in the last century, unhappy teachers, students, parents, administrators, patients, nurses, doctors… There is a better way. We all know it. This is one more reason why we fight. And why it is crucial that we win!
Early Voting
This Friday, May 6, early voting begins. Virginia now provides for 45-day early voting for the primary (and the same for the General Election in November). Early voting will take place at the Government Center, right next to the Courthouse. More information about voting early can be found on our 7th District Primary page. If you would like to volunteer as a Poll Greeter or Poll Watcher for the early voting, go to the Get Involved page and put in your area of interest. We’ll get you trained and on the schedule.
May Fellowship Event
Calling all Stafford GOP members and their families! Join us for our Inaugural Fellowship event!
Monday, May 9th from 6:00-9:00pm Perry and Lisa Darley’s home 71 Coakley Lane Fredericksburg, VA 22406 540-841-4878 The Darley’s will provide hotdogs, rolls and condiments along with water, tea, and all paper products. Please bring a potluck dish to share, a yard chair and a “special beverage” of your choosing if necessary. Let’s get to know each other better at this relaxing event. Wear your favorite political T-Shirt for the chance to win a prize. Please rsvp to Lisa by May 8th at
May Magisterial District Meetings
We will be having Magisterial District meetings in May. The MD Chairs are working on scheduling them as I write this. Active members should receive notices directly from the MD chairs, but all events should be posted at our Events page: Bring a friend! Or Two!
Education Task Force Update
From the Education Task Force,
The Stafford County Public Schools, Office of Strategic Communication & Community Engagement, have held 2 of a total of 3 Strategic Planning Community Workshops providing insight into the next Strategic Plan.
The prior 2017-2022 Strategic Plan comes to an end and Dr. Taylor is looking to collaborate with community members through workshops extracting feedback to help shape his plan. This five-year plan will run 2023-2028 and this is the perfect opportunity to share your thoughts, your concerns, and your candor facilitating a shared vision for the future of SCPS.
The final workshop will commence on May 10, 2022, from 9-10:30 a.m. at the Howell Branch of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library. As our School Board members continue to work to ensure our school system succeeds through sound policy, we need our Republican Committee members to share their conservative values at the workshop further solidifying what we expect in our community.
After all, we believe “that all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society.”
And there are so many other things going on. A brief, and incomplete list:
- 7th District Committee Activities
- Loren Spivak at the King George Tea Party (May 5)
- Fredericksburg-Area Business Community Outreach
- June RPV Training Event
- Candidate Events & Forums
- 2nd Annual Stafford GOP Golf Tournament (June 13)
- Fredericksburg Fair (July)
Each step matters. The person who can spend an hour as a Poll Greeter for their neighbors matters. The volunteer who signs up ten Republican voters might swing an election. The Republican who calls who convinces 4 like-minded people to vote per week between now and Election Day in November will gather more than 100 votes for our candidate. We will take back a majority of the Congressional seats in Virginia. 8,270 votes separated Nick Freitas from Abigail Spanberger in 2020. We can close that gap. We can close that gap in Stafford alone. As goes Stafford, so goes the 7th. You matter. We can close that gap and win, if we fight hard enough. If we stay vigilant, and unite behind our nominee, we can win this election.
In Liberty,
Tony DeTora